Source code for IQM_Vis.utils.plot_utils

matplotlib plotting helpers
TODO: write dev_resources/docs how to use these (currently just have to look at the UI code)
# Author: Matt Clifford <>
# License: BSD 3-Clause License

from functools import partial
import math

import numpy as np
import scipy.stats

import IQM_Vis
from IQM_Vis.utils import image_utils, gui_utils

plot bar chart on matplotlib qt qidget
[docs]class bar_plotter: def __init__(self, bar_names, var_names, ax, lim): self.bar_names = bar_names self.var_names = var_names = ax self.lim =lim self.num_bars = len(self.bar_names) self.num_vars = len(self.var_names) self.bar_width = 1/(self.num_bars+1) self.bars = [np.arange(self.num_vars)] for i in range(1, self.num_bars): self.bars.append([x + self.bar_width for x in self.bars[i-1]])
[docs] def plot(self, bar_name, var_values): if len(self.bar_names) > 1: i = self.bar_names.index(bar_name)[i], var_values, width=self.bar_width, label=bar_name) else:, var_values)
[docs] def show(self): self.set_style()
[docs] def set_style(self): if len(self.bar_names) > 1:[r + self.bar_width for r in range(self.num_vars)], self.var_names) self.set_plot_lims()
[docs] def set_plot_lims(self): y_lims = #, y_lims[0], max(1, y_lims[1]))) max(self.lim, y_lims[1]))
''' line plot of matplotlib qt widget '''
[docs]class line_plotter: def __init__(self, ax, x_label='', y_label='', lim=1): = ax self.x_label = x_label self.y_label = y_label self.lim = lim
[docs] def plot(self, x, y, label):, y, label=label)
[docs] def show(self): self.set_style()
[docs] def set_style(self): self.set_plot_lims()
[docs] def set_plot_lims(self): y_lims = #, y_lims[0], max(1, y_lims[1]))) max(self.lim, y_lims[1]))
''' plot radar chart on matplotlib qt widget '''
[docs]class radar_plotter: def __init__(self, radar_names, var_names, ax, lim=1): self.radar_names = radar_names self.var_names = var_names = ax self.lim = lim self.num_radars = len(self.radar_names) self.num_vars = len(self.var_names) self.radar_angles = [n/float(self.num_vars)*2*np.pi for n in range(self.num_vars)] self.radar_angles += self.radar_angles[:1] # circular plot closure
[docs] def plot(self, radar_name, var_values): var_values.append(var_values[0]) # add start to end to close the circular plot p =, var_values, linewidth=1, linestyle='solid', label=radar_name), var_values, color=p[0].get_color(), alpha=0.1)
[docs] def show(self): self.set_style()
[docs] def set_style(self): #'upper right', bbox_to_anchor=(0.1, 0.1))'x-small', loc='upper left')[:-1], self.var_names) self.set_plot_lims()
[docs] def set_plot_lims(self): y_lims = #, y_lims[0], max(1, y_lims[1]))) max(self.lim, y_lims[1]))
''' scatter plotter on matplotlib qt widget '''
[docs]class scatter_plotter: def __init__(self, ax, x_label='', y_label='', lim=1): = ax self.x_label = x_label self.y_label = y_label self.lim = lim
[docs] def plot(self, x, y, annotations=None, error=None): =, y, picker=True, color='blue') if annotations != None: self.annotations = annotations if error != None or error != []:, y, yerr=error, fmt="o", capsize=3, color='black')
[docs] def show(self): self.set_style()
[docs] def set_style(self): # self.set_plot_lims()
[docs] def set_plot_lims(self): y_lims =, y_lims[1]))
''' metric averaging functions to get metric values over a range of transformation '''
[docs]def get_all_slider_values(transforms, num_steps=11): if num_steps == 1: raise ValueError(f'number of steps cannot be 1') if num_steps == 2: return [transforms['min'], transforms['max']] float_stabiliser = 100 # work around since computer can't represent e.g. 0.2 very well num_steps -= 1 # since we are using steps then appending stop value range = transforms['max'] - transforms['min'] # make sure if it's an int then we dont return step values that are floats if isinstance(transforms['min'], int) and isinstance(transforms['max'], int): num_steps = min(range, num_steps) steps = range/num_steps if isinstance(transforms['min'], int) and isinstance(transforms['max'], int): steps = int(steps) values = np.arange(start=transforms['min']*float_stabiliser, stop=transforms['max']*float_stabiliser, step=steps*float_stabiliser) values = list(values/float_stabiliser) if transforms['max'] not in values: values.append(transforms['max']) return values
[docs]def get_all_single_transform_params(transforms, num_steps=11): ''' get a list of all the individual transforms with a single parameter value useful when doing experiments to make a dataset ''' list_of_single_trans = [] for trans_name, trans_data in transforms.items(): # loop over all transformations if num_steps == 'from_dict': steps = trans_data['num_steps'] else: steps = num_steps for val in get_all_slider_values(trans_data, num_steps=steps): list_of_single_trans.append({trans_name: val}) return list_of_single_trans
[docs]def compute_metric_for_human_correlation(data_store, transforms, metric_params, trans_str_values, metric): scores = {} for trans_str in trans_str_values: trans, trans_value = gui_utils.get_trans_dict_from_str(trans_str) if trans in transforms.keys(): single_trans = {trans: transforms[trans]} else: iqm_vis_trans = IQM_Vis.transforms.get_all_transforms() if trans in iqm_vis_trans.keys(): single_trans = {trans: iqm_vis_trans[trans]} else: raise Exception(f"Cannot find transformation {trans} in provided transforms or any default transforms, please provide an implimentation of {trans} when contructing the UI.") single_param_dict = {trans: trans_value} trans_im = image_utils.get_transform_image(data_store, single_trans, single_param_dict) # initialse image metric_scores = data_store.get_metrics(trans_im, metric, **metric_params) scores[trans_str] = metric_scores[metric] return scores
[docs]def compute_metrics_over_range_single_trans(data_store, transforms, metric_params, metrics_to_use, pbar_signal=None, stop_flag=None, num_steps=11): ''' compute metrics over a range of trans Args: data_store: object containing metrics and image transforms (dict): containing trans functions and min/max/initial values Returns: results (dict): results of IQM values at each transform value across its whole paramter rance for the reference image ''' # compute all metrics over their range of params and get avg/std results = {} # initialise results for metric in metrics_to_use: results[metric] = {} for tran in transforms: results[metric][tran] = {'param_values': [], 'scores': []} # get bar info (the lazy way) if pbar_signal != None: len_loop = 0 for i, curr_trans in enumerate(transforms): for trans_value in get_all_slider_values(transforms[curr_trans], num_steps=num_steps): len_loop += 1 pbar_counter = 0 # compute over all image transformations for curr_trans in transforms: # loop over all transformations single_trans = {curr_trans: transforms[curr_trans]} all_param_values = get_all_slider_values( transforms[curr_trans], num_steps=num_steps) for trans_value in all_param_values: single_param_dict = {curr_trans: trans_value} trans_im = image_utils.get_transform_image(data_store, single_trans, single_param_dict) # initialse image metric_scores = data_store.get_metrics(trans_im, metrics_to_use, **metric_params) for metric in metric_scores: results[metric][curr_trans]['scores'].append(float(metric_scores[metric])) # and store the input trans values for plotting results[metric][curr_trans]['param_values'] = all_param_values # end if flag says to stop if stop_flag != None: if stop_flag[0] == True: # reset pbar if pbar_signal != None: pbar_signal.emit(0) return # send signal to progress bar if provided if pbar_signal != None: pbar_counter += 1 if pbar_counter == len_loop: pbar_signal.emit(0) else: pbar_signal.emit(int(((pbar_counter)/len_loop)*100)) return results
[docs]def compute_metrics_over_range(data_store, transforms, transform_values, metric_params, metrics_to_use, pbar_signal=None, stop_flag=None, num_steps=11): ''' compute metrics over a range of trans (when using non initial values for other transforms) currently this method is not being used and instead using the simpler compute_metrics_over_range_single_trans Args: data_store: object containing metrics and image transforms (dict): containing trans functions and min/max/initial values transform_values (dict): containing the fixed current transform parameter values Returns: results (dict): results of IQM values at each transform value across its whole paramter rance for the reference image ''' # compute all metrics over their range of params and get avg/std results = {} # initialise results for metric in data_store.metrics: results[metric] = {} for tran in transforms: results[metric][tran] = {'param_values': [], 'scores': []} # get bar info (the lazy way) if pbar_signal != None: len_loop = 0 for i, curr_trans in enumerate(transforms): for trans_value in get_all_slider_values(transforms[curr_trans], num_steps=num_steps): len_loop += 1 pbar_counter = 0 # compute over all image transformations for curr_trans in transforms: # loop over all transformations for trans_value in get_all_slider_values(transforms[curr_trans], num_steps=num_steps): # all values of the parameter vary_one_value = transform_values.copy() vary_one_value[curr_trans] = trans_value # set to the varying value in this range loop trans_im = image_utils.get_transform_image(data_store, transforms, vary_one_value) # initialse image metric_scores = data_store.get_metrics(trans_im, metrics_to_use, **metric_params) for metric in metric_scores: results[metric][curr_trans]['scores'].append(float(metric_scores[metric])) # and store the input trans values for plotting results[metric][curr_trans]['param_values'] = get_all_slider_values( transforms[curr_trans], num_steps=num_steps) # end if flag says to stop if stop_flag != None: if stop_flag[0] == True: # reset pbar if pbar_signal != None: pbar_signal.emit(0) return # send signal to progress bar if provided if pbar_signal != None: pbar_counter += 1 if pbar_counter == len_loop: pbar_signal.emit(0) else: pbar_signal.emit(int(((pbar_counter)/len_loop)*100)) return results
[docs]def get_radar_plots_avg_plots(results, metrics_names, transformation_names, axes, lim=1): ''' plot results on a polar axes -> radar/spider plot ''' radar_plt = radar_plotter(radar_names=metrics_names, var_names=transformation_names, ax=axes, lim=lim) if transformation_names == []: return radar_plt for metric in metrics_names: mean_value = [] # std_value = [] transform = [] for tran in transformation_names: transform.append(tran) mean_value.append(np.mean(results[metric][tran]['scores'])) # std_value.append(np.std(results[metric][tran]['scores'])) radar_plt.plot(metric, mean_value) radar_plt.set_style() return radar_plt
[docs]def get_transform_range_plots(results, transform, axes, lim=1): ''' plot a single transform range graph of all metrics ''' plot = line_plotter(axes, transform, 'Values', lim=lim) for metric in results: plot.plot(results[metric][transform]['param_values'], results[metric][transform]['scores'], metric) return plot
[docs]def get_correlation_plot(human_scores, metric_scores, axes, metric, change_trans_value_signal): ''' scatter plot for correlations ''' sp = scatter_plotter(axes, x_label=metric, y_label='Human Score') x = [] y = [] e = [] labels = [] for trans in human_scores['mean']: x.append(metric_scores[metric][trans]) y.append(human_scores['mean'][trans]) try: std = human_scores['std'][trans] except KeyError: std = 0 if math.isnan(std): std = 0 e.append(std) name, value = gui_utils.get_trans_dict_from_str(trans) labels.append(f'{name}={value}') sp.plot(x, y, annotations=labels, error=e) # make interactive hover for points annot ="", xy=(0, 0), xytext=(0, 0), textcoords="offset points", bbox=dict(boxstyle="round", fc="w"), arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle="->") ) annot.set_visible(False) "motion_notify_event", partial(hover_scatter, sp, annot)) "pick_event", partial(click_scatter, sp, change_trans_value_signal)) # get correlation as title pear = scipy.stats.pearsonr(x, y) spear = scipy.stats.spearmanr(x, y) f"Spearman's: {spear.correlation:.4f}\n Pearson's: {pear.statistic:.4f}") return sp
[docs]def click_scatter(_plot, change_trans_value_signal, event): ''' send signal of which data point was clicked ''' change_trans_value_signal.emit(_plot.annotations[event.ind[0]])
[docs]def hover_scatter(_plot, annot, event): vis = annot.get_visible() # if event.inaxes == cont, ind = if cont: update_annot(ind, _plot, annot) annot.set_visible(True) else: if vis: annot.set_visible(False)
[docs]def update_annot(ind, _plot, annot): pos =[ind["ind"][0]].copy() xlims = x_range = xlims[1] - xlims[0] x_middle = xlims[0] + x_range/2 if pos[0] > x_middle: pos[0] -= x_range/2 # else: # pos[0] += xlim/5 annot.xy = pos text = "" for i in ind['ind']: if text != "": text += "\n" text += f"{_plot.annotations[i]}" annot.set_text(text)