Source code for IQM_Vis.utils.image_utils

image helper functions
# Author: Matt Clifford <>
# License: BSD 3-Clause License

import os
import PIL
import cv2
import numpy as np
from skimage.transform import resize
from skimage.color import rgb2lab, lab2rgb
from skimage.util import img_as_ubyte

[docs]def get_transform_image(data_store, transform_functions, transform_params): '''transform image with image post processing Args: data_store: IQM_Vis data_api transform_functions: dict holding transforms (each key is the name of transform, items have key 'function') transform_params: dict holding the parameters for transforms (corresponding to keys in transform_functions) Return: image: processed numpy image ''' image = data_store.get_image_to_transform() for key in transform_functions: image = transform_functions[key]['function'](image, transform_params[key]) if hasattr(data_store, 'image_post_processing'): if data_store.image_post_processing is not None: image = data_store.image_post_processing(image) return image
[docs]def load_image(image_path): ''' load image as RGB float ''' if not os.path.isfile(image_path): raise ValueError(f'Image file: {image_path} does not exist') img = img = np.array(img) if img.dtype == 'uint8': img = img/255 if img.shape[2] > 3: img = img[:, :, :3] return img
[docs]def save_image(img, path): ''' save image as ubyte ''' img = PIL.Image.fromarray(img_as_ubyte(img))
[docs]def resize_to_longest_side(im, side=128): ''' resize image to longest side ''' shape = im.shape if shape[0] > shape[1]: scale = side/shape[0] size = (side, int(shape[1]*scale)) else: scale = side/shape[1] size = (int(shape[0]*scale), side) im = resize_image(im, size) return im
[docs]def resize_image(img, size=128): ''' resize image to square or specified size ''' if isinstance(size, int): size = (size, size) img = cv2.resize(img, (size[1], size[0]), interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR) # cv2 much faster than skimage # can change to PIL code below but only works with uint8 images # img = PIL.Image.fromarray(img_as_ubyte(img)) # img = img.resize(size) # img = np.array(img)/255 return img
[docs]def crop_centre(image, scale_factor=2, keep_size=True): ''' crop to the centre of the image, note this will return a small image size so it best used as post processing Args: image (np.array): image to be cropped scale_factor (float): the percentage to zoom in by (for square crop only). 0.5 = 2x zoom out 1 = normal size 2 = 2x zoom in (Defaults to 2 - half the size) keep_size (bool): resize image to the original size after cropping (Defaults to True) Returns: image (np.array): cropeed image ''' original_size = image.shape new_size_x = int(original_size[0]/scale_factor) new_size_y = int(original_size[1]/scale_factor) if scale_factor > 1: start_point_x = int((original_size[0] - new_size_x)/2) start_point_y = int((original_size[1] - new_size_y)/2) image = image[start_point_x:start_point_x+new_size_x, start_point_y:start_point_y+new_size_y, :] elif scale_factor < 1: new_size = (new_size_x, new_size_y, original_size[2]) if len(original_size) == 3 else (new_size_x, new_size_y) start_point_x = int((new_size_x - original_size[0])/2) start_point_y = int((new_size_y - original_size[1])/2) zoomed_out = np.zeros(new_size, dtype=image.dtype) zoomed_out[start_point_x:start_point_x+original_size[0], start_point_y:start_point_y+original_size[1], :] = image image = zoomed_out if keep_size == True: image = resize_image(image, (original_size[0], original_size[1])) return image
[docs]def calibrate_brightness(im, rgb_brightness, display_brightness, ubyte=True): if rgb_brightness == display_brightness: return im if ubyte == True: im = im/255 im_lab = rgb2lab(im) scale = rgb_brightness/display_brightness scaled_brightness = im_lab[:, :, 0]*scale clipped = np.clip(scaled_brightness, 0, 100) im_lab[:, :, 0] = clipped rgb = lab2rgb(im_lab) if ubyte == True: rgb = img_as_ubyte(rgb) return rgb