Source code for IQM_Vis.ui_wrapper

API to access making the PyQt6 UI for IQM-Vis
TODO: write dev_resources/docs on example usage/ what inputs etc. and what attributes that the data_store class needs
# Author: Matt Clifford <>
# License: BSD 3-Clause License

import subprocess
import platform
import sys
from typing import Any
import warnings
import types
import numpy as np

    from PyQt6.QtWidgets import QApplication
    import IQM_Vis
    from IQM_Vis.utils import image_utils
    import matplotlib
except ImportError:
    warnings.warn('Cannot load PyQt6 library - running IQM_Vis package in headless mode')
from IQM_Vis.UI.main import make_app
from IQM_Vis.examples.images import DEFAULT_IMAGES

[docs]class make_UI: def __init__(self, data_store=None, transformations=None, image_list: list=DEFAULT_IMAGES, metrics: dict={}, metric_images: dict={}, metrics_info_format: str='graph', metrics_avg_graph: bool=True, metric_params: dict={}, default_save_dir=IQM_Vis.utils.save_utils.DEFAULT_SAVE_DIR, default_dataset_name='dataset1', restrict_options=None, num_steps_range=11, debug=False, test=False): if data_store == None: data_store = IQM_Vis.dataset_holder(image_list, metrics, metric_images) self.data_store = data_store self.transformations = transformations self.metrics_info_format = metrics_info_format self.metrics_avg_graph = metrics_avg_graph self.metric_params = metric_params self.default_save_dir = default_save_dir self.default_dataset_name = default_dataset_name self.restrict_options = restrict_options self.num_steps_range = num_steps_range self.debug = debug self.test = test check_pyqt_install_deps() self.showing = True
[docs] def show(self): self._check_restrict_options() self._check_data_store() self._check_trans() if self.debug: self._check_inputs() = QApplication(sys.argv) self.window = make_app(, self.data_store, self.transformations, metrics_info_format=self.metrics_info_format, metrics_avg_graph=self.metrics_avg_graph, metric_params=self.metric_params, default_save_dir=self.default_save_dir, default_dataset_name=self.default_dataset_name, restrict_options=self.restrict_options, num_steps_range=self.num_steps_range, test=self.test) if self.test == False: sys.exit(
def _check_restrict_options(self): if self.restrict_options == None: trans = len(self.transformations) if self.transformations != None else 0 if isinstance(self.data_store, list): metrics = len(self.data_store[0].metrics) metric_images = len(self.data_store[0].metric_images) else: metrics = len(self.data_store.metrics) if self.data_store != None else 0 metric_images = len(self.data_store.metric_images) if self.data_store != None else 0 self.restrict_options = {'transforms': trans, 'metrics': metrics, 'metric_images': metric_images} if isinstance(self.restrict_options, int): self.restrict_options = {'transforms': self.restrict_options, 'metrics': self.restrict_options, 'metric_images': self.restrict_options} def _check_data_store(self): '''data store checking''' if self.data_store == None: self.data_store = IQM_Vis.dataset_holder(IQM_Vis.examples.images.DEFAULT_IMAGES, IQM_Vis.metrics.get_all_metrics(), IQM_Vis.metrics.get_all_metric_images() ) if self.metric_params == {}: self.metric_params = IQM_Vis.metrics.get_all_IQM_params() if not isinstance(self.data_store, list): self.data_store = [self.data_store] def _check_trans(self): if self.transformations == None: self.transformations = IQM_Vis.transforms.get_all_transforms() # make sure to wrap all transforms in clip so they don't go beyond data limits for trans, data in self.transformations.items(): self.transformations[trans]['function'] = transform_wrapper(data['function']) def _check_inputs(self): for item in self.data_store: test_datastore_attributes(item) '''input items that should be dictionaries''' should_be_dict = [self.transformations, self.metric_params] for item in should_be_dict: if not isinstance(item, dict): var_name = f'{item=}'.split('=')[0] raise TypeError('make_UI input: '+var_name+' should be a dictionary not '+str(type(item))) # elif len(item.keys()) == 0: # var_name = f'{item=}'.split('=')[0] # warnings.warn(f'make_UI input: {var_name} is empty') '''extra input option checks''' if type(self.metrics_info_format) != str: var_name = f'{self.metrics_info_format=}'.split('=')[0] raise TypeError('make_UI input: '+var_name+' should be a string not '+str(type(self.metrics_info_format))) if type(self.metrics_avg_graph) != bool: var_name = f'{self.metrics_info_format=}'.split('=')[0] raise TypeError('make_UI input: '+var_name+' should be a bool not '+str(type(self.metrics_info_format)))
[docs]def test_datastore_attributes(data_store): '''get the data handler class to make sure its properties are correct''' obj_name = data_store.__class__.__name__ attributes = [ ('get_reference_image', 'gets the input reference image', types.MethodType), ('get_reference_image_name', 'gets the name of the input reference image', types.MethodType), ('get_image_to_transform', 'gets the input image to transform', types.MethodType), ('get_image_to_transform_name', 'gets the name of the input image to transform', types.MethodType), ('metrics', 'is a dict of all metric functions', dict), ('metric_images','is a dict of all metric image functions', dict), ('get_metrics', 'is a function that returns a dict of all metrics results', types.MethodType), ('get_metric_images', 'is a function that returns a dict of all metric image results', types.MethodType), ] for att in attributes: if hasattr(data_store, att[0]): attr = getattr(data_store, att[0]) if type(attr) != att[2]: raise TypeError(f"{obj_name} attribute '{att[0]}' needs to be type '{att[2]}' instead of {type(attr)}") else: raise AttributeError(f"{obj_name} needs to have attribute '{att[0]}' which {att[1]}") # now test returned types are correct method_return_types = [ ('get_reference_image', np.ndarray), ('get_reference_image_name', str), ('get_reference_image', np.ndarray), ('get_image_to_transform_name', str), ('get_metrics', dict, image_utils.get_transform_image(data_store, {}, {})), ('get_metric_images', dict, image_utils.get_transform_image(data_store, {}, {})), ] for meth in method_return_types: method = getattr(data_store, meth[0]) if len(meth) < 3: ret = method() elif len(meth) == 3: ret = method(meth[2]) if type(ret) != meth[1]: raise TypeError(f"{obj_name} method '{meth[0]}' needs to return type '{att[2]}' instead of {type(attr)}")
[docs]class transform_wrapper: ''' wrap transforms to make sure they return an image between [0, 1] ''' def __init__(self, function): self.function = function
[docs] def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): called = self.function(*args, **kwargs) return np.clip(called, 0, 1)
def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, transform_wrapper): return self.function == other.function else: # unwrapped tranform function return self.function == other
[docs]def check_pyqt_install_deps(): ''' PyQt6 on linux doesn't always ship with all the required libraries so here we will warn the user if they need to install them, avoiding a crash ''' system_info = platform.system() if not system_info == "Linux": return True # if on linux try see if package installed (only for debian based) package_name = "libxcb-cursor0" installed = False try: result =["dpkg", "-l", package_name], check=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, text=True) installed = "ii" in result.stdout except subprocess.CalledProcessError: installed = False if installed == False: print(f"{'*'*30}\n\nWarning: not all dependencies are installed. If you get an 'Aborted (core dumped)' error below this message then please install them using:\n\n 'sudo apt install libxcb-cursor0'\n\n\n{'*'*30}\n\n")