Source code for IQM_Vis.transforms.additive_noise

noise transformations
# Author: Matt Clifford <>
# License: BSD 3-Clause License

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
import numpy as np
import warnings

# Suppress the specific DeprecationWarning
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=DeprecationWarning,
                        message="__array_wrap__ must accept context and return_scalar arguments")

class _base_noise(ABC):
    def __init__(self, acceptable_percent=0.9, max_iter=50, reject_low_noise=False, **kwargs):
        self.acceptable_percent = acceptable_percent
        self.max_iter = max_iter
        self.reject_low_noise = reject_low_noise
        self.num_rejected = 0

    def _setup_args(self, **kwargs):

    def _make_noisey_image(self, img, np=np):
        # uses any args on self for parameters
        # must return x_noisey, additive_noise

    def __call__(self, img, param=0):
        will return a noisy image with noise level according to 'param'
        highest noise will be returned if noise level is too low acccording to acceptable_percent
        self.num_rejected = 0
        self.actual_noise = 0
        if param is not None:
            self.param = param
        return self._call_single(img)

    def _call_single(self, img, np=np):
        make noisy image until either acceptable percent is reached or max_iter is reached
        will return the highest noise level if noise level is too low acccording to acceptable_percent
        for _ in range(self.max_iter):
            x_noisey, additive_noise = self._make_noisey_image(img)
            # check noise level and actual noise level reduced after clipping
            expected_noise = np.sqrt(np.mean(np.square(additive_noise)))
            if self.reject_low_noise == False:
                return x_noisey
                curr_actual_noise = np.sqrt(np.mean(np.square(x_noisey - img)))
                # option to reject and redo the noise if too low (recursion)
                if curr_actual_noise >= self.acceptable_percent * expected_noise:
                    return x_noisey
                elif curr_actual_noise > self.actual_noise:
                    self.num_rejected += 1
                    self.actual_noise = curr_actual_noise
                    best = x_noisey
                    self.num_rejected += 1
        return best

[docs]class noise_hypersphere(_base_noise): '''Add random noise on a hypersphere with radius epsilon. Image is clipped to the range (0, 1) Args: image (np.array): image to have noise added std (float): epsilon of the hypersphere radius of noise. (Defaults to 0) Returns: image (np.array): adjusted image ''' def _setup_args(self, epsilon=1, seed=True): self.param = epsilon self.seed = seed def _make_noisey_image(self, img): if self.param <= 0: return img, 0.0 if self.seed: np.random.seed(42) noise = np.random.randn(*img.shape) noise_norm = noise / np.linalg.norm(noise.reshape(-1)) additive_noise = self.param * noise_norm unclipped = img + additive_noise x_noisey = np.clip(unclipped, 0, 1) return x_noisey, additive_noise
[docs]class Gaussian_noise(_base_noise): '''Add Gaussian noise to image. Image is clipped to the range (0, 1) Args: image (np.array): image to have Gaussian noise added std (float): Standard deviation of the Gaussian noise. (Defaults to 0) Returns: image (np.array): adjusted image ''' def _setup_args(self, std=0, seed=True): self.param = std self.seed = seed def _make_noisey_image(self, img): if self.param <= 0: return img, 0.0 if self.seed: np.random.seed(42) additive_noise = np.random.normal( loc=0, scale=self.param, size=img.shape) unclipped = img + additive_noise x_noisey = np.clip(unclipped, 0, 1) return x_noisey, additive_noise
[docs]def salt_and_pepper_noise(image, prob=0): ''' Add salt and pepper noise to image Args: image (np.array): image to be compressed prob: Probability of the noise (Defaults to 0). Returns: image (np.array): image with salt and pepper noise ''' if prob == 0: return image min_val = 0 max_val = 1 image = image.copy() if len(image.shape) == 2: black = min_val white = max_val else: colorspace = image.shape[2] if colorspace == 3: # RGB black = np.array([min_val, min_val, min_val], dtype='float') white = np.array([max_val, max_val, max_val], dtype='float') else: # RGBA black = np.array( [min_val, min_val, min_val, max_val], dtype='float') white = np.array( [max_val, max_val, max_val, max_val], dtype='float') probs = np.random.random(image.shape[:2]) image[probs < (prob / 2)] = black image[probs > 1 - (prob / 2)] = white return np.clip(image, 0, 1)
if __name__ == '__main__': import numpy as np image = np.random.rand(256, 256, 3) noise = Gaussian_noise() noise(image, 0) # noise(image, 0.1)