Source code for IQM_Vis.metrics.perceptual_trad

# Author: Matt Clifford <>
# License: BSD 3-Clause License
import warnings
import torch 

from torchmetrics import StructuralSimilarityIndexMeasure as ssim_torch
from IQM_Vis.metrics.SSIM.ssim import ms_ssim
from IQM_Vis.metrics.NLPD_torch.pyramids import LaplacianPyramid
from IQM_Vis.metrics.metric_utils import _check_shapes, _numpy_to_torch_image

[docs]class SSIM: '''Structural Similarity Index Measure between two images. Images must have the same dimensions. Score given is 1 - SSIM to give the loss/dissimilarity Args: return_image (bool): Whether to return the image (Defaults to False which will return a scalar value) '''
[docs] def __init__(self, return_image=False): self.return_image = return_image self.metric = ssim_torch self.device = torch.device( "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") self.preproccess_function = _numpy_to_torch_image
[docs] def __call__(self, im_ref, im_comp, sigma=1.5, k1=0.01, k2=0.03, ssim_kernel_size=11, **kwargs): '''When an instance is called Args: im_ref (np.array): Reference image im_comp (np.array): Comparison image **kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments Returns: score (np.array): 1-SSIM (scalar if return_image is False, image if return_image is True) ''' _check_shapes(im_ref, im_comp) im_ref = self.preproccess_function(im_ref).to( device=self.device, dtype=torch.float) im_comp = self.preproccess_function(im_comp).to( device=self.device, dtype=torch.float) ssim_kernel_size = _make_kernel_odd(ssim_kernel_size) # set up metric with warnings.catch_warnings(): # we don't care about the warnings these give warnings.simplefilter("ignore") if self.return_image: _metric = self.metric( sigma=sigma, k1=k1, k2=k2, return_full_image=True, reduction=None, kernel_size=ssim_kernel_size) else: _metric = self.metric(sigma=sigma, k1=k1, k2=k2, kernel_size=ssim_kernel_size) if self.return_image: _, ssim_full_im = _metric(im_ref, im_comp) ssim_full_im = torch.squeeze(ssim_full_im, axis=0) ssim_full_im = ssim_full_im.permute(1, 2, 0) ssim_full_im = torch.clip(ssim_full_im, 0, 1) _score = ssim_full_im.cpu().detach().numpy() else: _score = _metric(im_ref, im_comp).cpu().detach().numpy() _score = 1 - _score _metric.reset() return _score
[docs]class MS_SSIM: '''Multi-Scale Structural Similarity Index Measure between two images. Images must have the same dimensions. Score given is 1 - MS_SSIM to give the loss/dissimilarity. Note that images of small size, below 180 pixels will have their kernel size reduced for compatability with the 4 downsizing operations. Args: return_image (bool): Whether to return the image (Defaults to False which will return a scalar value) ''' def __init__(self, return_image=False): self.return_image = return_image # self.metric = Mssim_torch self.device = torch.device( "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") self.preproccess_function = _numpy_to_torch_image
[docs] def __call__(self, im_ref, im_comp, sigma=1.5, k1=0.01, k2=0.03, mssim_kernel_size=11, ** kwargs): '''When an instance is called Args: im_ref (np.array): Reference image im_comp (np.array): Comparison image **kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments Returns: score (np.array): 1-SSIM (scalar if return_image is False, image if return_image is True) ''' _check_shapes(im_ref, im_comp) im_ref = self.preproccess_function(im_ref).to( device=self.device, dtype=torch.float) im_comp = self.preproccess_function(im_comp).to( device=self.device, dtype=torch.float) mssim_kernel_size = _make_kernel_odd(mssim_kernel_size) success = False reduced_kernel = False run_error = False while success == False and mssim_kernel_size > 0: # _metric = self._make_metric(sigma=sigma, k1=k1, k2=k2, kernel_size=mssim_kernel_size) try: if self.return_image: # _, ssim_full_im = _metric(im_ref, im_comp) ssim_full_im = ms_ssim(im_ref, im_comp, data_range=1, win_size=mssim_kernel_size, win_sigma=sigma, K=(k1, k2), return_image=True) ssim_full_im = torch.squeeze(ssim_full_im, axis=0) ssim_full_im = ssim_full_im.permute(1, 2, 0) ssim_full_im = torch.clip(ssim_full_im, 0, 1) _score = ssim_full_im.cpu().detach().numpy() else: _score = ms_ssim(im_ref, im_comp, data_range=1, win_size=mssim_kernel_size, win_sigma=sigma, K=(k1, k2), size_average=True) # _score = _metric(im_ref, im_comp).cpu().detach().numpy() _score = 1 - _score.cpu().detach().numpy() # get score not similarity success = True except ValueError: # get an error with small images that the torchmetrics package seems to advise the wrong larger than size for reduced_kernel = True mssim_kernel_size -= 2 _score = 0 except AssertionError: # get an error with small images that the pytorch-ssim package seems to advise the wrong larger than size for reduced_kernel = True mssim_kernel_size -= 2 _score = 0 except RuntimeError: run_error = True success = True _score = 0 # _metric.reset() if reduced_kernel == True: print( f'NOTE: Reduced MS_SSIM kernel size to {mssim_kernel_size} to deal with image size {im_ref.shape}') if run_error == True: print( f'WARNING: Image size {im_ref.shape} too small to use with MS_SSIM, returning 0') return _score
def _make_metric(self, **kwargs): # set up metric with warnings.catch_warnings(): # we don't care about the warnings these give warnings.simplefilter("ignore") if self.return_image: _metric = self.metric(**kwargs, return_full_image=True, reduction=None) else: _metric = self.metric(**kwargs) return _metric
[docs]class NLPD: '''Normalised Laplacian pyramid Proposed by Valero Laparra et al. . NLPD is an image quality metric based on the transformations associated with the early visual system: local luminance subtraction and local gain control. ''' def __init__(self): self.initialised = False # initialse fully on first __call__ to save load up time self.device = torch.device( "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") self.preproccess_function = _numpy_to_torch_image self.nlpd_k = 1
[docs] def __call__(self, im_ref, im_comp, nlpd_k=1, **kwargs): '''When an instance is called Args: im_ref (np.array): Reference image im_comp (np.array): Comparison image **kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments Returns: score (np.array): NLPD score ''' # see if k has changed if self.nlpd_k != nlpd_k: self.nlpd_k = nlpd_k self.initialised = False # load model on first time called if self.initialised == False: with warnings.catch_warnings(): # we don't care about the warnings these give warnings.simplefilter("ignore") self.metric = LaplacianPyramid(self.nlpd_k) self.initialised = True _check_shapes(im_ref, im_comp) im_ref = self.preproccess_function(im_ref).to( device=self.device, dtype=torch.float) im_comp = self.preproccess_function(im_comp).to( device=self.device, dtype=torch.float) _score = self.metric(im_ref, im_comp) score = _score.cpu().detach().numpy() return score
def _make_kernel_odd(value): value = int(value) if value % 2 == 0: value -= 1 if value <= 0: value = 1 return value