Source code for IQM_Vis.examples.dists

# Author: Matt Clifford <>
# License: BSD 3-Clause License

import os
import glob
import numpy as np
import torch
import IQM_Vis

from PIL import Image
from PIL.TiffTags import TAGS

'''Textures calibrated image loader'''
[docs]def load_and_calibrate_image(file, max_luminance=200, size=512): # Calculate max luminance value in the whole dataset img = meta_dict = {TAGS[key] : img.tag[key] for key in img.tag_v2} img = np.array(img).astype(np.float64) lms = correct(img, meta_dict) # Get each point in rgb space to visualise the colour in RGB # XYZ -> LMS Mxyzlms = np.array([ # Bradford LMS transform [0.8951000, 0.2664000, -0.1614000], [-0.7502000, 1.7135000, 0.0367000], [0.0389000, -0.0685000, 1.0296000]]) # LMS -> XYZ Mlmsxyz = np.linalg.inv(Mxyzlms) # RGB -> XYZ Mng2xyz = np.array([[69.1661, 52.4902, 46.6052], [39.0454, 115.8404, 16.3118], [3.3467, 12.6700, 170.1090]]) #XYZ -> RGB Mxyz2ng = np.linalg.inv(Mng2xyz) # Convert LMS -> XYZ and scale values for max luminance default: 200 cd/m^2 xyz_corrected = (lms @ Mlmsxyz.T)/np.max(lms[:, 0]) * max_luminance # Convert XYZ -> RGB rgb_corrected = np.clip(xyz_corrected @ Mxyz2ng.T, 0.0, 1.0) rgb_small = IQM_Vis.utils.resize_to_longest_side(rgb_corrected, side=size) return rgb_small
''' util for calibrating images''' # camera correction and coversation into LMS colourspace
[docs]def correct(img, meta_dict, greycale=True): if 'merry' in meta_dict['ImageDescription'][0]: T = np.array([ [0.428443253, 0.495562896, 0.075993851], [0.243026144, 0.614128681, 0.142845175], [0.155766424, 0.132343175, 0.711890401]]) a_R = 7.320565961 a_G = 12.0579051 a_B = 10.6112984 b = 1.008634316 elif 'pippi' in meta_dict['ImageDescription'][0]: T = np.array([ [0.431088433, 0.494438389, 0.074473178], [0.245488691, 0.614786761, 0.139724548], [0.166472303, 0.124487321, 0.709040376]]) a_R = 5.562441185 a_G = 8.876002262 a_B = 7.233814813 b = 1.009696031 II = np.zeros_like(img) II[:, :, 0] = a_R*(b**img[:, :, 0]-1) II[:, :, 1] = a_G*(b**img[:, :, 1]-1) II[:, :, 2] = a_B*(b**img[:, :, 2]-1) exposure_time = meta_dict['ImageDescription'][0].split('-')[-1] try: exposure_time = np.float64(exposure_time) except: return None II = II / np.float64(exposure_time) II = np.reshape(np.reshape(II, ([0:2]), 3), order='F')@T.T, (II.shape), order='F') return II
[docs]def run(): # metrics functions must return a single value metric = {'DISTS': IQM_Vis.metrics.DISTS(), 'LPIPS': IQM_Vis.metrics.LPIPS(), '1-SSIM': IQM_Vis.metrics.SSIM(), 'MAE': IQM_Vis.metrics.MAE(), # '1-MS_SSIM': IQM_Vis.metrics.MS_SSIM(), # 'NLPD': IQM_Vis.metrics.NLPD(), } # metrics images return a numpy image - dont include any for this example metric_images = {} # make dataset list of images files = sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), 'datasets', 'Textures', '*'))) if len(files) == 0: raise ValueError('No files found in the dataset directory - please download the texture dataset') data = IQM_Vis.dataset_holder(files, metric, metric_images, image_loader=load_and_calibrate_image, image_pre_processing=lambda x: x, # no resize at start up image_post_processing=lambda x: IQM_Vis.utils.image_utils.crop_centre( x, scale_factor=2, keep_size=False) ) # define the transformations transformations = { 'rotation':{'min':-12, 'max':12, 'function':IQM_Vis.transforms.rotation}, # normal input 'x_shift': {'min':-0.2, 'max':0.2, 'function':IQM_Vis.transforms.x_shift, 'init_value': 0.0}, # 'y_shift': {'min':-0.1, 'max':0.1, 'function':IQM_Vis.transforms.y_shift, 'init_value': 0.0}, 'zoom': {'min': 0.8, 'max':1.2, 'function':IQM_Vis.transforms.zoom_image, 'init_value': 1.0}, # requires non standard slider params # 'brightness':{'min':-1.0, 'max':1.0, 'function':IQM_Vis.transforms.brightness}, # normal but with float # 'contrast': {'min': 0.5, 'max': 2.5, 'init_value': 1.0, 'function': IQM_Vis.transforms.contrast}, # 'hue': {'min': -0.5, 'max': 0.5, 'function': IQM_Vis.transforms.hue}, # 'saturation': {'min': -0.5, 'max': 0.5, 'function': IQM_Vis.transforms.saturation}, # 'jpg compr':{'init_value':101, 'min':1, 'max':101, 'function':IQM_Vis.transforms.jpeg_compression}, # 'blur':{'min':1, 'max':41, 'normalise':'odd', 'function':IQM_Vis.transforms.blur}, # only odd ints # 'threshold':{'min':-40, 'max':40, 'function':IQM_Vis.transforms.binary_threshold}, } # use the API to create the UI IQM_Vis.make_UI(data, transformations)
if __name__ == '__main__': run()