Source code for IQM_Vis.UI.images

UI image functions
# Author: Matt Clifford <>
# License: BSD 3-Clause License

import os
from functools import partial
import imghdr
import glob
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from PyQt6.QtWidgets import QApplication, QFileDialog
from PyQt6.QtCore import pyqtSignal, QThread
import IQM_Vis
from IQM_Vis.utils import gui_utils, plot_utils, image_utils, save_utils

# sub class used by IQM_Vis.main.make_app to control all of the image widgets
[docs]class images: request_range_work = pyqtSignal(dict) view_correlation_instance = pyqtSignal(str)
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.update_images = True self.init_worker_thread() self.view_correlation_instance.connect(self.change_to_specific_trans)
[docs] def init_worker_thread(self): ''' set up thread for smoother range plot calculation ''' self.range_worker = IQM_Vis.UI.threads.get_range_results_worker() self.range_worker_thread = QThread() self.range_worker.progress.connect(self.update_progress) self.range_worker.current_image.connect(self.update_status_bar) self.range_worker.completed.connect(self.completed_range_results) self.range_worker.stopped.connect(self.stopped_range_worker) self.request_range_work.connect(self.range_worker.do_work) # move worker to the worker thread self.range_worker.moveToThread(self.range_worker_thread) # start the thread self.range_worker_thread.start() self.worker_working = False
''' image updaters ''' # def transform_image(self, image): # for key in self.sliders['transforms']: # image = self.sliders['transforms'][key]['function'](image, self.params_from_sliders['transforms'][key]) # return image
[docs] def display_images(self): if self.update_images == True: for i, data_store in enumerate(self.data_stores): # reference image reference_image = data_store.get_reference_image() gui_utils.change_im(self.widget_row[i]['images']['original']['data'], reference_image, resize=self.image_display_size, rgb_brightness=self.rgb_brightness, display_brightness=self.display_brightness) # transform image trans_im = image_utils.get_transform_image(data_store, self.sliders['transforms'], self.params_from_sliders['transforms']) gui_utils.change_im(self.widget_row[i]['images']['transformed']['data'], trans_im, resize=self.image_display_size, rgb_brightness=self.rgb_brightness, display_brightness=self.display_brightness) # metrics metrics = data_store.get_metrics(trans_im, self.checked_metrics, **self.params_from_sliders['metric_params']) self.display_metrics(metrics, i) # metric images metric_images = data_store.get_metric_images(trans_im, self.checked_metric_images, **self.params_from_sliders['metric_params']) self.display_metric_images(metric_images, i) QApplication.processEvents() # make figures become the correct size
''' metric graph updaters '''
[docs] def redo_plots(self, calc_range=False): if calc_range == True: # add an or metrics_range val not been calculated if self.metrics_avg_graph or self.metric_range_graph: self.get_metrics_over_all_trans_with_init_values()
''' change image in dataset '''
[docs] def change_preview_images(self, ival): # have roll around scrolling if self.preview_num + ival < 0: self.preview_num = self.max_data_ind - self.num_images_scroll_show + 1 if self.preview_num + ival < 0: # dataset is smaller than the number of images to show self.preview_num = 0 elif self.preview_num + ival + self.num_images_scroll_show > self.max_data_ind + 1: self.preview_num = 0 else: self.preview_num += ival self.set_preview_images(self.preview_num)
[docs] def set_preview_images(self, preview_num): for data_store in self.data_stores: for i in range(min(self.num_images_scroll_show, self.max_data_ind+1)): im_preview_ind = preview_num + i if im_preview_ind <= self.max_data_ind: # load image im_preview_data = data_store.get_reference_image_by_index(im_preview_ind) self.widget_im_num_hash[i] = im_preview_ind # set image preview size scale = self.num_images_scroll_show - 1 if isinstance(self.image_display_size, list) or isinstance(self.image_display_size, tuple): preview_size = (self.image_display_size[0]//scale, self.image_display_size[1]//scale) else: preview_size = self.image_display_size//scale # determine if we have the current display image if self.data_num == im_preview_ind: border = True else: border = False gui_utils.change_im(self.widget_controls['images'][i], im_preview_data, resize=preview_size, rgb_brightness=self.rgb_brightness, display_brightness=self.display_brightness, border=border) self.widget_controls['label']['data_num'].setText( f'({preview_num+1}-{im_preview_ind+1}/{self.max_data_ind+1})')
[docs] def change_data_click_im(self, widget_ind, *args): # args sent are position of mouse click on the image widget self.change_to_data_num(self.widget_im_num_hash[widget_ind]) self.set_preview_images(self.preview_num) # refresh boarder on image
[docs] def change_to_data_num(self, ind): # change to an exact ind in the data list # check the num is within the data limits if ind < 0: return elif ind > self.max_data_ind: return else: self.data_num = ind self.change_data(0) # 0 means dont increment data_num
[docs] def change_data(self, ival, _redo_plots=True): # reset any range/correlation data stored if hasattr(self, 'correlation_data'): self.correlation_data = {} for i, data_store in enumerate(self.data_stores): self.correlation_data[i] = {} self.data_num += ival # check the num is within the data limits if self.data_num < 0: self.data_num = 0 return if self.data_num > self.max_data_ind: self.data_num = self.max_data_ind return self.range_worker.stop() # stop any calculations on the old image # if hasattr(self, 'wait_until_safe_to_change_image'): # self.wait_until_safe_to_change_image() # if ival != 0: for data_store in self.data_stores: try: data_store[self.data_num] except: pass # some datasets will be shorter than others - this is fine though self.display_images() self.set_image_name_text() if _redo_plots == True: self.redo_plots(calc_range=True) # load human experiment if any self.human_experiment_scores = {} for i, data_store in enumerate(self.data_stores): # first try get from UI # load most recent correlation plots name = data_store.get_reference_image_name() if name in self.human_experiment_cache: self._load_experiment(self.human_experiment_cache[name], change_image=False) # otherwise from the datastore scores elif hasattr(data_store, 'human_scores'): self.human_experiment_scores[i] = data_store.human_scores
[docs] def load_new_single_image(self): ''' change the image we are using ''' # get the file opener for the user try: start_dir = os.path.expanduser("~") file, _ = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self, "Choose Image", start_dir, "All Files (*);; PNG Files (*.png)") except: return if file == ('', '') or file == '': return if os.path.isfile(file): image_format = imghdr.what(file) if image_format == None: self.update_status_bar(f'Not an image file: {file}', 10000) else: self.update_datastore_image_list([file]) else: self.update_status_bar(f'Cannot find file: {file}', 10000)
[docs] def load_new_images_folder(self): ''' change the image dataset we are using ''' # get the file opener for the user try: start_dir = os.path.expanduser("~") dir = QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory(self, 'Choose Image folder', start_dir) except: return if dir == '': return image_list = glob.glob(os.path.join(dir, '*')) # remove and folders image_list = [f for f in image_list if os.path.isfile(f)] image_list.sort() self.update_datastore_image_list(image_list)
[docs] def update_datastore_image_list(self, image_list, append_dataset=False): # onyl changes the first datastore # make sure that we have some images if image_list == []: self.update_status_bar('No images found', 10000) return # get all images if possible and we want to append images to the current dataset if append_dataset == True and hasattr(self.data_stores[0], 'get_image_dataset_list'): image_list = self.data_stores[0].get_image_dataset_list() + image_list data_num_to_change_to = len(self.data_stores[0]) else: data_num_to_change_to = 0 # change image dataset if hasattr(self.data_stores[0], 'load_image_list') and len(image_list) != 0: self.data_stores[0].load_image_list(image_list) self.max_data_ind = len(self.data_stores[0]) - 1 self.data_num = data_num_to_change_to self.construct_UI() else: self.update_status_bar('Failed to update images', 10000)
[docs] def load_human_experiment(self): ''' change the image dataset we are using ''' # get the file opener for the user if os.path.exists(self.default_save_dir): start_dir = self.default_save_dir else: start_dir = os.path.expanduser("~") try: file, _ = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName( self, "Open Human Experiments File for Current Image", start_dir, "CSV Files (*.csv)",) except: return self._change_human_exp_2AFC(file)
def _change_human_exp_2AFC(self, file, change_image=True): # load image if change_image == True: self._load_experiment_image(os.path.dirname(file)) # load the csv human scores file and take mean of all experiments self.update_status_bar(f'Loading experiment file: {file}', 10000) if os.path.exists(file): df = pd.read_csv(file) for i, data_store in enumerate(self.data_stores): self.human_experiment_scores[i] = {'mean': df.mean().to_dict(), 'std': df.std().to_dict()} # cache this as the last used dataset for this image self.human_experiment_cache[data_store.get_reference_image_name()] = os.path.dirname(file) self.human_scores_file = file else: self.update_status_bar(f'No experiment file: {file}', 10000) return self._load_experiment_extras(os.path.dirname(file)) self.update_status_bar(f'Loaded experiment file: {file}', 10000) def _change_human_exp_JND(self, file): # load the csv human scores file and take mean of all experiments self.update_status_bar(f'Loading experiment file: {file}', 10000) if os.path.exists(file): # now extract all the useful data from the csv df = pd.read_csv(file) # unique values for transform in df transforms = list(df['Transform'].unique()) if 'None<>None' in transforms: transforms.remove('None<>None') trans_types = {} params = {} for single_trans in transforms: trans, trans_value = gui_utils.get_trans_dict_from_str( single_trans) trans_types[trans] = 1 # just to get the keys params[trans_value] = 1 # just to get the keys # currently only one transformation type is supported if len(trans_types) > 1: self.update_status_bar( 'Warning: More than one transformation type in JND file', 10000) return transform_name = list(trans_types.keys())[0] self.current_JND_transform = transform_name params = list(params.keys()) params.sort() # get the decisions for each parameter decisions = {} for param in params: name = save_utils.make_name_for_trans({'transform_name': transform_name, 'transform_value': param}) user_choices = df[df['Transform'] == f'{name}']['UserDecision'].values # convert to plotable format values = [] for choice in user_choices: if choice == 'diff': values.append(1) elif choice == 'same': values.append(0) else: values.append(-1) decisions[param] = values self.JND_trans = transform_name self.human_experiment_scores_JND = [] for i, data_store in enumerate(self.data_stores): self.human_experiment_scores_JND.append(decisions) self.human_scores_JND_file = file else: self.update_status_bar(f'No experiment file: {file}', 10000) return self._load_experiment_extras_JND(os.path.dirname(file)) self.update_status_bar(f'Loaded experiment file: {file}', 10000) def _load_experiment(self, dir, change_image=True): file = IQM_Vis.utils.save_utils.get_human_scores_file(dir) self._change_human_exp_2AFC(file, change_image=change_image) def _load_experiment_JND(self, dir): file = IQM_Vis.utils.save_utils.get_human_scores_file(dir) self._change_human_exp_JND(file)
[docs] def load_experiment_from_dir(self): # get the file opener for the user try: start_dir = IQM_Vis.utils.save_utils.DEFAULT_SAVE_DIR dir = QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory(self, 'Choose 2AFC Experiment Folder', start_dir) except: return if dir == '': return self._load_experiment(dir)
[docs] def load_experiment_from_dir_JND(self): # get the file opener for the user try: start_dir = IQM_Vis.utils.save_utils.DEFAULT_SAVE_DIR dir = QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory(self, 'Choose JND Experiment Folder', start_dir) except: return if dir == '': return self._load_experiment_JND(dir)
def _load_experiment_image(self, dir): # load image if available already exp_image_name = IQM_Vis.utils.save_utils.get_image_name_from_human_scores(dir) exp_saved_image = IQM_Vis.utils.save_utils.get_original_unprocessed_image_file(dir) if hasattr(self.data_stores[0], 'image_names'): if exp_image_name in self.data_stores[0].image_names: ind = self.data_stores[0].image_names.index(exp_image_name) self.change_to_data_num(ind) # else load it from the experiment elif os.path.exists(exp_saved_image): self.update_datastore_image_list([exp_saved_image], append_dataset=True) # else load it from the experiment elif os.path.exists(exp_saved_image): self.update_datastore_image_list([exp_saved_image], append_dataset=True) else: self.update_status_bar(f'No {exp_image_name} in dataset or file {exp_saved_image}', 10000) def _load_experiment_extras(self, dir): # load the image processing if available processing_file = IQM_Vis.utils.save_utils.get_image_processing_file(dir) if os.path.exists(processing_file): processing = IQM_Vis.utils.save_utils.load_json_dict( processing_file) updated = False for name, options_var, change_func in zip(['pre', 'post'], [self.pre_processing_options, self.post_processing_options], [self.change_pre_processing, self.change_post_processing]): if processing[name] in options_var: if processing[name] != self.widget_settings[f'image_{name}_processing']['widget'].currentText(): self.widget_settings[f'image_{name}_processing']['widget'].setCurrentText( processing[name]) change_func() updated = True else: self.update_status_bar( f'Could not load image setting: {processing[name]}') if updated == True: self.update_image_settings() else: self.update_status_bar(f'Warning: No settings file ({processing_file}), make sure image pre/post processing settings are correct') # clear cache and update correlation plot self.reset_correlation_data() self.display_metric_correlation_plot() self.tabs['graph'].setCurrentIndex(3) def _load_experiment_extras_JND(self, dir): # load the image processing if available processing_file = IQM_Vis.utils.save_utils.get_image_processing_file(dir) if os.path.exists(processing_file): processing = IQM_Vis.utils.save_utils.load_json_dict( processing_file) updated = False for name, options_var, change_func in zip(['pre', 'post'], [self.pre_processing_options, self.post_processing_options], [self.change_pre_processing, self.change_post_processing]): if processing[name] in options_var: if processing[name] != self.widget_settings[f'image_{name}_processing']['widget'].currentText(): self.widget_settings[f'image_{name}_processing']['widget'].setCurrentText( processing[name]) change_func() updated = True else: self.update_status_bar( f'Could not load image setting: {processing[name]}') if updated == True: self.update_image_settings() else: self.update_status_bar(f'Warning: No settings file ({processing_file}), make sure image pre/post processing settings are correct') self.display_metric_JND_plot() self.tabs['graph'].setCurrentIndex(4) ''' metric updaters '''
[docs] def display_metrics(self, metrics, i): if self.metrics_info_format == 'graph': self.display_metrics_graph(metrics, i) else: self.display_metrics_text(metrics, i)
[docs] def display_metrics_graph(self, metrics, i): bar_plt = plot_utils.bar_plotter(bar_names=[''], var_names=list(metrics.keys()), ax=self.widget_row[i]['metrics']['info']['data'], lim=self.plot_data_lim) bar_plt.plot('', list(metrics.values()))
[docs] def display_metrics_text(self, metrics, i, disp_len=5): text = '' for key in metrics: metric = gui_utils.str_to_len(str(metrics[key]), disp_len, '0') text += key + ': ' + metric + '\n' self.widget_row[i]['metrics']['info']['data'].setText(text)
''' get metric values when adjusting a single transformation value over its range '''
[docs] def get_metrics_over_all_trans_with_init_values(self): # use the initiased/default values for all sliders # bundle up data needed to send to the worker data = {'trans': self.checked_transformations, 'metric_params': self.params_from_sliders['metric_params'], 'metrics_to_use': self.checked_metrics, 'data_stores': self.data_stores, 'num_steps': self.num_steps_range, } # start the worker working self.worker_working = True self.request_range_work.emit(data)
[docs] def completed_range_results(self, results): ''' data results sent from signal from thread worker ''' self.update_status_bar('Completed Range Results', 3000) self.stopped_range_worker() # first check if we have empty results (means we cannot plot) - have changed to accept empty # if 'metric_over_range_results' in results: # if len(results['metric_over_range_results']) == 1: # if results['metric_over_range_results'][0] == {}: # # dont plot # return # else: # # incorrect data # return self.metric_over_range_results = results['metric_over_range_results'] if 'max_val' in results: self.data_lims['range_data'] = results['max_val'] if self.metrics_avg_graph: self.display_radar_plots() if self.metric_range_graph: self.display_metric_range_plot() self.display_metric_correlation_plot()
''' metric range plot (line plots of range of all sliders) '''
[docs] def display_metric_range_plot(self): all_trans = list(self.checked_transformations.keys()) if all_trans == [] or self.checked_metrics == []: for i, data_store in enumerate(self.data_stores): axes = self.widget_row[i]['metrics']['range']['data'] message_on_plot(axes, 'No Metrics/Transforms Selected') return trans_to_plot = all_trans[self.metric_range_graph_num] for i, data_store in enumerate(self.data_stores): if 'range' in self.widget_row[i]['metrics'].keys(): axes = self.widget_row[i]['metrics']['range']['data'] plot = plot_utils.get_transform_range_plots(self.metric_over_range_results[i], trans_to_plot, axes, self.plot_data_lim)
[docs] def plot_metric_range_mlp(self, i): # TODO: reduce copy of code from above function # make sure we have somethign to plot if not hasattr(self, 'metric_over_range_results'): return # plot our data on a new axis fig = gui_utils.plt.figure() axes = fig.add_subplot(111) all_trans = list(self.checked_transformations.keys()) trans_to_plot = all_trans[self.metric_range_graph_num] plot = plot_utils.get_transform_range_plots( self.metric_over_range_results[i], trans_to_plot, axes, self.plot_data_lim) plot.set_style() fig.canvas.manager.set_window_title( f"{self.data_stores[i].get_reference_image_name()}-{trans_to_plot}") self.set_save_dir_mpl(i) # show fig in new window
[docs] def change_metric_range_graph(self, add=1): max_graph_num = len(list(self.checked_transformations.keys())) self.metric_range_graph_num += add if self.metric_range_graph_num >= max_graph_num: self.metric_range_graph_num = max_graph_num - 1 elif self.metric_range_graph_num < 0: self.metric_range_graph_num = 0 self.display_metric_range_plot()
''' metric averaging plots (radar plot) '''
[docs] def display_radar_plots(self): for i, data_store in enumerate(self.data_stores): self.plot_radar_graph(self.metric_over_range_results[i], i)
# uncomment below if you want to calc over the current trans values instead of init # results = plot_utils.compute_metrics_over_range(data_store, # self.checked_transformations, # self.params_from_sliders['transforms'], # self.params_from_sliders['metric_params'], # pbar=self.pbar)
[docs] def plot_radar_graph(self, results, i): all_trans = list(self.checked_transformations.keys()) if all_trans == [] or self.checked_metrics == []: for i, data_store in enumerate(self.data_stores): axes = self.widget_row[i]['metrics']['avg']['data'] message_on_plot(axes, 'No Metrics/Transforms Selected') return if 'avg' in self.widget_row[i]['metrics'].keys(): # get current metrics used for this data_store metrics_names = [] for metric in self.data_stores[i].metrics: if metric in self.checked_metrics: metrics_names.append(metric) if len(metrics_names) == 0: return transformation_names = list(self.sliders['transforms'].keys()) axes = self.widget_row[i]['metrics']['avg']['data'] radar_plotter = plot_utils.get_radar_plots_avg_plots(results, metrics_names, transformation_names, axes, self.plot_data_lim)
[docs] def plot_radar_mlp(self, i): # TODO: reduce copy of code from above function # make sure we have somethign to plot if not hasattr(self, 'metric_over_range_results'): return # plot our data on a new axis fig = gui_utils.plt.figure() axes = fig.add_subplot(projection='polar') all_trans = list(self.checked_transformations.keys()) transformation_names = list(self.sliders['transforms'].keys()) if 'avg' in self.widget_row[i]['metrics'].keys(): # get current metrics used for this data_store metrics_names = [] for metric in self.data_stores[i].metrics: if metric in self.checked_metrics: metrics_names.append(metric) if len(metrics_names) == 0: return plot = plot_utils.get_radar_plots_avg_plots( self.metric_over_range_results[i], metrics_names, transformation_names, axes, self.plot_data_lim) plot.set_style() fig.canvas.manager.set_window_title( f"{self.data_stores[i].get_reference_image_name()}-radar") self.set_save_dir_mpl(i) # show fig in new window
[docs] def get_export_dir(self, i): image_name = f"{self.data_stores[i].get_reference_image_name()}" save_path = os.path.join(self.default_save_dir, 'exports', image_name) return save_path
[docs] def set_save_dir_mpl(self, i=0): # set the default save path save_path = self.get_export_dir(i) if not os.path.exists(save_path): os.makedirs(save_path) gui_utils.matplotlib.rcParams[''] = save_path
''' metric correlation plots '''
[docs] def display_metric_JND_plot(self): for i, data_store in enumerate(self.data_stores): axes = self.widget_row[i]['metrics']['JND']['data'] all = {} # to calucalte std of each for val, decisions in self.human_experiment_scores_JND[i].items(): for decision in decisions: if val in all.keys(): all[val].append(decision) else: all[val] = [decision] # calculate mean and std decision of each val x = [] y = [] e = [] labels = [] for val, decisions in all.items(): x.append(val) y.append(np.mean(decisions)) e.append(np.std(decisions)) labels.append(f'{self.JND_trans}={val}') sp = plot_utils.scatter_plotter(axes, x_label=f'{self.current_JND_transform} Value', y_label='User Decision') sp.plot(x, y, annotations=labels, error=e) # # make interactive hover for points # annot ="", xy=(0, 0), xytext=(0, 0), textcoords="offset points", # bbox=dict(boxstyle="round", fc="w"), # arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle="->") # ) # annot.set_visible(False) # # "motion_notify_event", partial(plot_utils.hover_scatter, sp, annot)) # # "pick_event", partial(plot_utils.click_scatter, sp, plot_utils.change_trans_value_signal)) # sp = plot_utils.scatter_plotter(axes, # x_label=f'{self.current_JND_transform} Value', # y_label='User Decision') # sp.plot(x, y)
# ax.scatter(x, y) # ax.set_xlabel(f'{self.current_JND_transform} Value') # ax.set_ylabel('User Decision') # # ax.set_title(f'{self.current_JND_transform} vs User Decision') #
[docs] def display_metric_correlation_plot(self): if self.checked_metrics == []: for i, data_store in enumerate(self.data_stores): axes = self.widget_row[i]['metrics']['correlation']['data'] message_on_plot(axes, 'No Metrics Loaded') return metric = self.checked_metrics[self.metric_correlation_graph_num] # calculate the metric values at the human score test values for i, data_store in enumerate(self.data_stores): if i in self.human_experiment_scores.keys(): # calculate metric at HIQM values (if not already cached) if metric not in self.correlation_data[i].keys(): IQM_scores = plot_utils.compute_metric_for_human_correlation(data_store, self.checked_transformations, self.params_from_sliders['metric_params'], trans_str_values = self.human_experiment_scores[i]['mean'].keys(), metric=metric) # cache it self.correlation_data[i][metric] = IQM_scores plot = plot_utils.get_correlation_plot(self.human_experiment_scores[i], self.correlation_data[i], self.widget_row[i]['metrics']['correlation']['data'], metric, self.view_correlation_instance) if hasattr(self, 'human_scores_file'): title = title = f"{title}\n{self.human_scores_file}", fontsize=8) else: axes = self.widget_row[i]['metrics']['correlation']['data'] message_on_plot(axes, 'Use Load Experiment Button below\nor File->Load Human Scores for a .csv')
[docs] def change_metric_correlations_graph(self, add=1): max_graph_num = len(self.checked_metrics) self.metric_correlation_graph_num += add if self.metric_correlation_graph_num >= max_graph_num: self.metric_correlation_graph_num = max_graph_num - 1 elif self.metric_correlation_graph_num < 0: self.metric_correlation_graph_num = 0 self.display_metric_correlation_plot()
[docs] def change_to_specific_trans(self, trans_str): trans, trans_value = gui_utils.get_trans_dict_from_str(trans_str) # load transform if not already on the UI trans_found = False for _, slider_group in self.sliders.items(): for key, item_sliders in slider_group.items(): if key == trans: trans_found = True if trans_found == False: # need to load it all_trans_iqm_vis = IQM_Vis.transforms.get_all_transforms() if trans in self.menu_options['transforms']: self.menu_options['transforms'][trans].setChecked(True) self.construct_UI() elif trans in all_trans_iqm_vis: self.transformations[trans] = all_trans_iqm_vis[trans] self._remake_menu() self.menu_options['transforms'][trans].setChecked(True) self.construct_UI() else: self.update_status_bar(f"Transform '{trans}' not found - please load it!") # show the specific tranform image for _, slider_group in self.sliders.items(): for key, item_sliders in slider_group.items(): if key == trans: closest_slider_val = np.argmin(np.abs(self.sliders['transforms'][key]['values']-trans_value)) self.widget_controls['slider'][key]['data'].setValue(closest_slider_val) else: self.widget_controls['slider'][key]['data'].setValue(item_sliders['init_ind']) self.display_images() self.redo_plots(calc_range=False)
''' metric image updaters '''
[docs] def display_metric_images(self, metric_images, i): for key in metric_images: widget = self.widget_row[i]['metric_images'][key]['data'] gui_utils.change_im(widget, metric_images[key], resize=self.image_display_size)
''' thread manegment '''
[docs] def stopped_range_worker(self, signal=False): self.worker_working = False
[docs]def message_on_plot(widget_axes, message): try: widget_axes.axes.clear() except AttributeError: pass widget_axes.axes.text( 0.5, 0.5, message, horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center') widget_axes.draw()